Sustainability Toolkit

In Spring 2020, the SSCCC Delegates passed Resolutions 03.06 – Sustainable Products from Auxiliary Organizations and 04.03 – Marine Degradable Food Service Ware for College Activities. These Resolutions called for the SSCCC to work with student body associations at all California Community Colleges (CCC) to advance the use of reusable and/or sustainable utensils, drinkware, packaging products, and other items from sustainable manufacturers during contract negotiations with current and future auxiliary organizations. Use the toolkit below to advocate for the use of sustainable products on your campus.

S20.03.06 Sustainable Products from Auxiliary Organizations

Sponsor: SSCCC Region III and Santa Rosa Junior College

Disposition: Regional Affairs and Executive Committees

WHEREAS, the global production, transportation, and disposal of single-use plastics causes a significant annual carbon footprint;

WHEREAS, recent laws passed by both the California State Assembly and the California State Senate including SB 270 (2014), AB 1884 (2018), and SB 1335 (2018) have shown a commitment towards reducing the annual carbon footprint and creating more sustainable practices across the state [1] [2] [3]; and

WHEREAS, the California State University (CSU) 23 campuses and all auxiliary organizations incorporated to support the CSU system have started eliminating the use and sale of all single-use plastics by 2023 [4]; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges work with student body associations at all California Community Colleges (CCC) to ensure the advancement of the use of reusable and/or sustainable utensils, drinkware, packaging products, and other items from sustainable manufacturers during contract negotiations with current and/or future auxiliary organizations; and

RESOLVED, that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office to create a policy that will ban all single use plastics by auxiliary organization at all CCCs by 2025 with the exception of dispensing plastic straws or other accommodations for people with disabilities who request them to enjoy equal access to food and beverage services complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990).

Citation 1: Padilla, A. SB 270 Solid waste: single-use carryout bags. Retrieved from

Citation 2: Calderon, I. AB 1884 Food facilities: single-use plastic straws. Retrieved from

Citation 3: Allen, B. SB 1335 Solid waste: food service packaging: state agencies, facilities, and property. Retrieved from

Citation 4: Chapin, E. (2019, February 7). CSU Says Goodbye to Single-Use Plastics. Retrieved from


S20.04.03 Marine Degradable Food Service Ware for College Activities

Sponsor: Associated Students of Santa Monica College

Disposition: Regional Affairs and Executive Committees

WHEREAS, community colleges host events that distribute prepared food and beverage [1] with single-use plastic food service ware;

WHEREAS, single-use products significantly contribute to a national waste disposal crisis [2] and use natural resources which omit carbon emissions during manufacturing and distribution [3];

WHEREAS, disposable food service ware products [4] have been found to cause significant environmental damage and harm to animals [5]; and

WHEREAS, although bio-based plastics are certified “compostable,” it has been found that they require a specific composting process, which is currently not widely available in California; as a result, they take years to degrade or they end up in the recycling stream, which becomes contamination for petroleum-based plastics [6]; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges advocate for replacing single-use plastic, plastic-coated paper, and bioplastic food service ware with marine degradable food service ware [7] to distribute food and beverages;

RESOLVED, that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges communicate that any college event may retain and dispense plastic straws as an accommodation to people with disabilities who request them to enjoy equal access to food and beverage services [8];

RESOLVED, that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges recognize marine degradable food service ware as those made of permitted materials, which include, but are not restricted to, paper, fiber, wood, wheat straw/straw, bagasse, or edible material [8]; and

RESOLVED, that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office and the Board of Governors to develop policies to replace single-use plastic food service ware with marine degradable food service ware on California Community College campuses.

Citation 1: “Prepared food” means any food or beverage prepared on the food provider’s premises, using any cooking or food preparation technique. This does not include any raw uncooked meat, fish or eggs unless provided for consumption without further food preparation. Prepared food may be eaten either on or off the premises.

Citation 2:  

Citation 3: 

Citation 4: “Disposable food service ware” means disposable products intended for single or limited number of uses, used in the restaurant and food service industry for serving or transporting prepared, ready-to-consume food or beverages. Disposable food service ware includes, but is not limited to, plates, cups, bowls, trays, hinged or lidded containers, straws, stirrers, lid plugs, lids, ramekins, and utensils. This does not include disposable packaging for unprepared foods.

Citation 5: 

Citation 6: 

Citation 7: “Marine degradable” means products recognized as “marine degradable” under California state law, Public Resources Code Section 42357, or designed to biodegrade under the marine environmental conditions of aerobic marine waters or anaerobic marine sediments in less than 120 days. Products predominantly made with plastics, either petroleum or biologically based, shall not be considered marine degradable

Citation 8: