• The purpose of this MOU is to establish the conditions under which the SSCCC will continue to operate as the official statewide community college student organization recognized by the Board of Governors, to establish the terms of the relationship between the Chancellor’s Office and the SSCCC, and to implement the student representation fee provisions of Education Code section 76060.5. This MOU shall not constrain the future exercise of the Board of Governors’ authority to recognize a statewide student organization, including terminating SSCCC’s recognition by the BOG.

  • The California Community College Student Affairs Association (CCCSAA) serves as the primary advocate for student affairs professionals in California community colleges. This Memorandum of Understanding establishes the connection between CCCSAA and the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC). By fostering this relationship, SSCCC aims to enhance regional engagement within the organization, promote the retention of institutional knowledge at the regional level, and expand membership for both parties through the active involvement of students and advisors.

  • This Memorandum of Understanding establishes the connection between the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) and the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC). The FACCC aims to foster unity and professionalism among faculty in California Community Colleges, advocate for faculty interests, and encourage policy-making bodies to allocate adequate resources and establish appropriate laws and regulations that ensure Californians have broad access to high-quality community college education. Recognizing the significant role students play in statewide governance and consultation processes, and with the intention of promoting and strengthening these efforts, both organizations acknowledge the advantages of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship.