The SSCCC provides a range of training options as valuable resources for our student body associations. Below is a list of our frequently requested training sessions and their respective topics. To arrange a training session, use the link provided below. You can request either an in-person session or a virtual training via Zoom, completely free of charge, tailored to your campus, district, or event. Our dedicated staff and student leaders will conduct the training based on your requirements. We kindly ask that, if possible, your SBA cover the travel expenses associated with the training.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with SSCCC Director of Communications and Outreach Jessica Bahena at 

  • Being the Student Voice: Overcoming Internal Conflict

    As the official student voice on your campus, you are put into a position where you are constantly monitored. How you conduct yourself can be detrimental to the work you do so this training will delve into how to overcome cliques, how to manage conflict, and best practices when they arise.

  • Brown Act

    Student governments must hold open meetings that are subject to the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act. This training will walk you through those requirements for agenda posting, communications between members, teleconferencing, and others. It will also update you on recent legislation that amends Brown Act under certain circumstances.

  • Civic Engagement

    Assembly Bill 963 (2019) requires all campuses to identify a civic engagement coordinator that helps students facilitate civic engagement events on campus. The objective is to encourage as many students to exercise their civic duty. This training will go over the requirements of the bill, best practices when facilitating events, and sample action planning.

  • Resolutions Process

    If utilized correctly, resolutions can be one of the most effective tools for advocacy on your campus and at the statewide level. This training will go through the different parts of a resolution, effective practices, and the timeline for the SSCCC General Assembly.

  • Robert's Rules

    Student government meetings follow a set of procedures called Robert's Rules of Order to hold efficient, productive, and respectful meetings. This training will cover the most common motions used in meetings as well as engage students in mock meeting scenarios.

  • SBA Leadership

    There are many different roles and responsibilities of student leaders during their tenure in student government. This training delves into the many different roles of a student leader like training, delegation, listening, and much more.

  • SSCCC and your SBA

    Most campuses pay their $2 student representation fee (SRF) but don't know what their statewide organization does for them. This training provides SBAs with the purpose of the SSCCC and the resources they have to offer.

  • Student Engagement and Retention

    Student engagement has been declining since the onset of the COVID pandemic. This training will discuss engagement and retention strategies to get more students involved in student government.

  • Student's 9+1 rights

    On each campus, faculty, professional staff, and students should be involved in the decision making process. There has been laws and regulations passed that outline each constituency's role in the governance process. This training will walk students through those roles, highlight their rights, and engage in discussion about the best practices moving forward.

In the section below, are self-paced training videos readily accessible for your training needs, without the necessity of submitting a specific request. These videos encompass recorded training sessions, accompanying PowerPoint presentations, and supplementary resources if available. We continuously update and expand our collection, so we encourage you to bookmark this page and revisit it regularly for new content. You can also find trainings and webinars on our YouTubeChannel found at this link.  

Self-Paced Training Videos