
Contact: Kisha Mehta 
Caucus Chair: Vacant
Caucus Vice-Chair: Vacant 
Caucus Secretary: Vacant 


Mission Statement

We, the Student Trustees of the California Community Colleges, commit ourselves to empower our students through collaboration to achieve the Vision for Success, pursuing policies that strengthen the student perspective through outreach mobilization, eliminating barriers to discussion and action surrounding social equity, and cultivating a culture of engagement to enhance the institutional memory of the caucus.

2020 - 21 Goals

  1. Increase participation in the caucus by developing and executing a strategic outreach plan. 
  2. Increase intercollege collaboration on local and statewide projects to ensure sustainability.
  3. Address the inequities of the student experience. 


The Student Trustee Caucus meets every 1st, 3rd, and 5th, Wednesday each month at 5:00 pm. Join us!  

October 4–10 2020

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