Statement from SSCCC on Prop 13

Sacramento, CA - The SSCCC is proud to endorse Prop 13. Systemwide, students go to college  campuses that are crumbling and long overdue for repairs. Prop 13 would be a strong first step towards remedying that problem. It closes commercial property tax loopholes exploited by corporations and wealthy investors at the expense of homeowners and renters. This proposition would bring in $15 billion every year to fund world-class schools and strengthen local economies to lift up all Californians. Of that money, $6 billion will go to public higher education facilities to be split evenly between community colleges, the California State University, and the University of California. This would be a much-needed boon for community colleges and other campuses that cater to increasing numbers of students under increasingly decrepit conditions.

Prop 13 would reinvigorate local communities and create a more level playing field by redistributing the added income equitably across the state. The California Community College System serves over 2.1 million students per year. These students come from the same public schools and education systems that would gain a windfall from this ballot measure, and who will benefit as they see an improvement in the conditions of their college facilities. The SSCCC strongly urges an affirmative vote at the ballot for Prop 13.

The California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the nation, composed of 73 districts and 115 colleges serving 2.1 million students per year.  The Student Senate for California Community College works to pursue policies that will improve student access, promote student success, engage and empower local student leaders, and enrich the collegiate experience for all California community college students.
