The resolution process is an important part of the SSCCC governance. The SSCCC is a nonprofit organization that is guided by its membership -- Delegates from each of the 116 California Community College student body associations. Students from across the state bring resolutions to the annual General Assembly for consideration. The resolutions passed by the Delegate Assembly guide the vision and priorities of the SSCCC. Below is a list of the most recent resolutions passed by the delegates since Fall 2007.  






Resolution Title

Non-Credit Student Leadership

Assigned Committee

Regional Affairs Committee


Whereas, a legal interpretation by the State Chancellor’s Office has clarified that Education Code Sections 72023.5 (Student Trustee Eligibility) and 76061 (Elected Student Government Eligibility) require both enrollment in five semester credit units and a GPA of 2.5 (Citation 1);

Whereas, the population size of credit students within some California Community College campuses may not be enough to produce any applicants and a credit student leader may not be able to understand the needs of the non-credit constituency;

Whereas, in the City College of San Francisco (CCSF), five out of seven CCSF centers are comprised 72%-98% non-credit classes and the remaining two CCSF Centers are comprised of roughly 49%-52% non-credit students and a large population of CCSF students of almost 30,000 students being unrepresented in formal student governance is detrimental to student leadership and involvement (Citation 3);

Resolved, that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges advocate for non-credit students to serve as student leaders;

Resolved, the SSCCC urge their respective ASOs that students taking only non credit courses may serve as a voting member but not the ASO President or Vice President.

Resolved, that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges advocate for an addendum to the California Education code to allow non-credit students to serve for student government positions or to advocate for the establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the State Chancellor’s office and the Student Senate for California Community Colleges;

Resolved, that Student Senate of California Community Colleges works with the associated student organizations (ASOS) and their administration to be more inclusive of their student body.


Citation 1: California Education Code, EDC § 72023.5 and § 760601. Retrieved from:

Citation 2: City College of San Francisco (2016, August 23) Planning, Research and Grants. Retrieved from: planning-and- grants/Research/fact-sheets- -regional- and-accreditation- data/annual-headcount.html

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