Brandon Cooley

Howdy! I’m Brandon C. Cooley (He/Him/His) and currently I am a double Major in Public Health and Philosophy at San Bernardino Valley Community College. I would love to transfer to UC Merced for Public health or UC Berkley for Philosophy and either continue to a graduate degree in Public Health or a Law Degree. I am a native son of Alabama but, having lived and worked in San Bernardino since 2019, I feel like a true Californian. Growing up, my Pawpaw would love to garden and make the area he lives better than how he found it. We would pick up trash on the side of the road and I always will remember him saying “Help in any way you can Brandon. Make things greater than what they are now” My goal is to help our students and communities live and thrive through clean energy initiatives, agricultural skills, and closer bonds to the world and our wonderful state. Also, I have 3 cats: Muffin, Mochi, and Moxie.