Fighting Student Food Insecurity

S22.04.06    Fighting Student Food Insecurity
Author: J. Adam Austin, President of ASMC
Sponsor: Associated Students of Merritt College (ASMC)

WHEREAS, many students are nutritionally insecure[1];

WHEREAS, there is daily food waste at community college cafeterias and bookstores[2]; and

WHEREAS, many campuses are unable to receive the resources of local food banks due to certain criteria for food handling and storage[3]; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges strongly advocate for and promote, at each individual college a policy to ensure that California community colleges establish on-campus food distribution programs that redirect the unsold cafeteria and bookstore food to students; and

RESOLVED, that the Student Senate for California Community College strongly advocate for and promote, that each community college campus become certified as food banks and devote resources to assist with the infrastructure needed to efficiently distribute food, including perishables.

Citation 1: College Students and SNAP: The New Face of Food Insecurity in the United States, 
Citation 2: Food Waste at U.S. Colleges and What to Do About it,
Citation 3: Running a Campus Food Pantry: Student Government Toolkit,