LGBTQ+ Training for All SBA’s
S22.04.08 LGBTQ+ Training for All SBA’s
Author: Robert Andrade, San Jose Student Trustee
Sponsor: San Jose City College Associated Student Government
WHEREAS, the San Jose City College Associated Student Government supports and protects the rights and equality of those who identify within the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) community, and commemorates and honor the individuals who pioneered the current LGBTQ+ rights acquired, and paved the ways for the next generation of the LGBTQ+ community;
WHEREAS, the LGBTQ+ community have created impactful and deep-rooted contributions to the United States’ community, including, but not limited to, business, culture, education, law, politics, science, etc;
WHEREAS, despite the evolution of acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community, two out of three LGBTQ+ college students reported having experienced sexual harassment at least once on campus, LGBTQ+ students are more likely to experience harassing behavior, violence, and stalking that heterosexual identfyfing students, and 20% LGBTQ+ college students fear for their safety due to how they identify [1]; and
WHEREAS, the student body association’s purpose is to represent their student body by advocating for a safe, equitable academic environment for all students by providing insight to help shape the institution’s policies; now, therefore be
RESOLVED, that the Student Senate for California Community College offer and support LGBTQ+ training to all student body associations, including, but not limited to, deepening knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ+ issues, sensitivity training, advocacy, and how to advocate support to all LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff;
RESOLVED, that the the Student Senate for California Community College advocate for all student body assocations throughout all California Comminty College campuses to review policies and pratices that are veered towards topics like sexual orientation, gender expression, discrimination against LGBTQ+ students, and support sevices that correlates with LGBTQ+ members;
RESOLVED, that the Student Senate for California Community Colleges work to improve the dialogue and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ students on their campus by providing student leader’s perspective on important LGBTQ+ policies, and being more involved with student body associations.
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