There are many ways that students can get involved in the SSCCC. Students can participate locally, regionally, and statewide depending on their availability.
Get involved locally
Students can serve as the student body association (SBA) delegate. Each SBA has one delegate who votes on behalf of the students in their colleges. This individual attends the region meetings and acts as a liaison between the SBA and the SSCCC. They bring forward issues of concern, vote on actions during the regional meetings, and engage with other delegates. Check with your local student body association for how to become a delegate.
Get involved in your Region
Students can participate as a Region Officer. Region Officers coordinate all the activities of Region. Two of the Region Officers, the Regional Affairs Director and Legislative Affairs Director, also serve on the SSCCC Board of Directors. You can find more information about the Regions and the serving as a Region Officer at this link.
Students can also attend regional trainings and summits. Each year, the regions plan activities that train students on being advocates. Regions also hold summits each year on a variety of topics related to current issues or standard training on such topics as the Brown Act. You can find more information on the calendar located on your region page.
Get involved Statewide
Students can participate in participatory governance groups. The SSCCC currency appoints students to sit on 25 system participatory governance groups. We also receive many requests annually for other task forces and ad hoc groups. For more information, please click on this link.
Students can also participate statewide in the SSCCC trainings and events. Each year the SSCCC holds a General Assembly. During the General Assembly, participants gather tools and tips on how to be an effective student leader, advocate, and representative. They can also network with other students around the state and receive information on current topics and issues. This is also the same event where SSCCC delegates vote on resolutions that guide the organization.
Students can join one of the SSCCC Caucuses. Caucuses are informal groups of independently organized students who meet, network, and deliberate collegially in order to form a collective voice on issues of common concern that caucus members feel are of vital importance to students. You can find a list of our current caucuses at this link. If you do not see a caucus on a topic that you are interested in joining, consider forming a caucus. You can find the process on the link above too.
Finally, if you just want to know what we are doing, what events we are holding, or are just curious about current issues or topics, you can sign up for our listserv via this link, join our newsletter by providing your information below in the website footer, or connect with us via social media (above on the website header.