Every year, the SSCCC organizes a diverse range of events. Here is a list of the regular events that students can anticipate from the SSCCC:
- Professional Development: Each fall, the SSCCC holds a professional development event that is similar to a General Assembly except that resolutions are not presented for discussion or debate.
Next Professional Development Event is the Advocacy Academy on December 5 - 7, 2025 in Riverside at the Riverside Convention Center
- General Assembly: The General Assembly is an annual event held each spring. Participants gather tools and tips on how to be an effective student leader, advocate, and representative. They network with other students around the state, receive information on current topics and issues, and debate on resolutions submitted by students at California community colleges that guide the organization.
Next General Assembly: April 4 - 6, 2025 in Los Angeles at the Westin Los Angeles Airport
Legislative Lobby Day: Either in March or April, the SSCCC holds a March in March or Advocacy in April Event. This is an event that brings students to Sacramento to lobby the legislature on issues of concern for students. Generally, key legislators, Chancellor’s Office staff, and other partners address the students and then students visit legislators from their district to lobby on local issues.
This year the March in March is being held on Tuesday, March 4th!