Robert Alexander

Robert Alexander is a United States Army Veteran. In May 2024, Robert completed multiple Associate of Arts degrees and a Science degree at Crafton Hills College and San Bernardino Valley College. Robert is currently attending Shasta College and Moreno Valley College, where he is working on his transfer requirements and a degree in Emergency Management and Homeland Security. In the fall of 2025, Robert hopes to transfer to the UC or Cal State system for his Bachelor’s degree with concentrations in Law, Social Justice, Ethnic Studies, and Sociology.
In the 2024-2025 term, Robert will continue to represent students’ voices on the AB-1111 Council, Veterans Advisory Committee, SSCCC Board of Directors, and the SSCCC Regional Affairs Committee. Robert’s goals are to activate all ten regions, as many of the 116 community colleges, and attend as many of the local SBA meetings to hear the students’ feedback, needs, and concerns. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns via email at